The game hasnt been updated in ages. The entertainment is brief at best. The game needs more features. I have the same complaints about how the animals work as most everyone else.
The game hasnt been updated in ages. The entertainment is brief at best. The game needs more features. I have the same complaints about how the animals work as most everyone else.
I like the game its really fun......but I was expecting to make my own animals....plz use the same sort of concept of the game how you can make your own creatures in it....also plz update the trees so that they dont die so easily.....but this is a good game overall....its just that I have a feeling it can be better
Can u guys let us know if your done updating this app or not so we can know to delete it or not..cause this is just sitting on my home page waiting for my next decision so either update or not cause Im getting tired of the waste of space..
I sent a review a year ago saying that this game needed an update. Well when I wrote the review last time it was a year sense than. Now it has been almost two years seance the game has had a good update. Please update.
So although i dont play the game much and almost hate all the animals you should add more animals like dinosaurs, sharks, humans. Also why not make it so you can evolve in civilitaion like when humans lived for a long time then they can go forward and become pioneers but keep the dinosaurs for fun.
the game iS AWESOME but can get boring, I know you are working on it but I think it would be cool to be able to customize a species or one creature of a species, and have an opposition bar that says if you want the species to stay together or go alone, and you can change the color or what it eats, maybe a wolf is a vegan so its a out cast, but gets taken in by sheep, then it protects them, and new biomes that you can draw on to the world, but what if I want a ravine or a sink hole or a cave, well maybe when you dig down water wouldnt just appear, like actually add water Physics and you could fill up holes you made or just pour it on the land, and I think you should make a setting how big your planet is, like small is how it is now, medium and large, please consider these ideas
This game is an amazing way to understand food webs and environmental impacts. In this game you can build your own world and ecosystem and see where the game goes from there.
Love this game but... Updates? Where are they? Updates are nice! Especially the Human Update.
This app is great fun, and has many easy-to-use tools. Fun, creative creatures replace some of the basic "Earthly" critters. This app has a little ways to go, but most definitely shows great potential! If you you think of yourself as creative and you enjoy the outdoors, you will certainly have fun "playing god" in this app. I recommend it entirely, and believe that it is worth the small charge. Note for Creator: As I said, this app is awesome. Great work! However, as many other users have stated, there are many things that could be added to improve upon this game. It is very enjoyable as is, but there is definitely room for improvement. Summary: Great app! Some things could change for the better, but great app!
I truly love this game but one thing is its not that realistic I mean where are the wolf packs etc. I would absolutely love if you could add people where they live in tribes and build towns, if they should happen to stumble across another tribe maybe they go to war or maybe they remain allies. Thank you and I hope to see all of these improvements in the future:))
Im happy with it, dont get me wrong. Its great to plink around with when youre bored and such but there is so much more that can be done with this game! The land is very basic. Id like to see desert options, volcanos, caves ect. Oceans and rivers should be selectable to create more detailed reefs and underwater terrain. More plant life and other decor options...Should have the option to set weather patterns as well. Animals could be more realistic so can the plant life...perhaps the more basic creatures evolve the longer the world is played?? Predators multiply faster than the pray and some other mechanics are off (as mentioned by other players). There are several reviews that make note of what I said and elaborate much more on the subjects (so Im not going to repeat what they say lol). Overall, the game is good. Worth a buck ninety nine? Not quite yet but Im glad I got it!
Love it but can you add some more stuff like birds eat fish, add human and that humans become smarter and smarter, make the planet larger with a moon, and add element powers like; water, fire, wind, ice, lava, meteorites, etc. Add more animals like; sharks, whales, etc. Thanks.
This game is really good and has patently with a few good updates as in better realism and they should add in more creatures like dinosaurs! You should control more stuff to like tide, waves, and storms. There should be natural disasters to as in volcanos, tornados, and more. Finally I have been wondering why do birds destroy trees, why are alligators indestructible, and why are carnivores so hungry?
Really think it would be cool if there is humans in it and maybe houses for them to live in Also would be cool if they could have some families to.
This game needs an update I had it on my last phone and refuse to redowonload it until it is updated, please add some new stuff.